Mr Sorb (Yoshidot AB) Privacy policy
This is how we process your personal data and cookies

Our processing of personal data takes place in accordance with current legislation. This means, among other things, that Yoshidot AB protects your personal data with the necessary measures and that you always have the right to contact us to find out what personal data we have saved about you. You can read more about your rights in this policy and visit for further information on personal data processing.

Below we explain how and why we process personal data and cookies on our website, as well as your rights and our obligations towards you as a visitor.

If you have any questions about our processing of personal data, you are of course always welcome to contact us.

This privacy policy describes how Yoshidot AB processes collected personal data and cookies.

Who is responsible for your personal data?

Yoshidot AB, corporate no. 559063-6980, is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data and is responsible for all processing taking place in a legal and correct manner. This means that it is our responsibility to ensure that you as a website visitor:

  1. Are aware of why and how we collect your personal data.
  2. Can make active choices to approve or refuse the processing and storage of your personal data (we do not process your personal data without your consent).
  3. Can update your details.
  4. May be removed from the system and the information we process about you deleted.
  5. Can have all personal data we store about you disclosed to you.
  6. Can request that we export your personal data in the event of a change of supplier.
  7. Have your personal data in safe custody with us. We do not disclose them to third parties without you being informed and expressly approving how and why this happens.

Personal data and cookies

Personal data includes everything that can identify you personally, such as name, address, social security number, e-mail, etc. In addition to personal data, there are also cookies. Cookies are small files that are sent to your computer via the browser (if you have not turned off cookies) when you visit a website. Their function is to collect information about how a visitor uses a website, often in order to offer customized content. Cookies count as personal data only if they can be linked to natural persons.

How do we handle cookies?

Cookies are tracked using trackers with different purposes. In our case, it is about improving the experience of visiting our website. We use the following trackers to track and analyze cookies:

  • Google Analytics

How does Yoshidot AB receive your personal data?

Yoshidot AB collects personal data that you provide to us via forms on our website where you share information that is necessary for us to be able to fulfill our obligations towards you

What data is processed?

Yoshidot AB processes the personal data provided to us. It can be name, e-mail address, telephone number, company name, postal address and information that is otherwise necessary for Yoshidot AB to be able to fulfill our obligations towards you.

Why does Yoshidot AB store your personal data and cookies?

Yoshidot AB can use your personal data for, among other things, the following purposes:

  • register and store in Yoshidot AB’s data register
  • send newsletters in the form of e-mail
  • otherwise contact you with reference to the forms you filled out
  • direct digital marketing to you in connection with the interest you have shown in our services/products

It is possible to use our website without allowing us to store cookies.

How to delete cookies in your browser after visiting the website

You can delete cookies in your browser. The procedure depends on the browser you are using. Below you will find links to standard browser instructions for deleting cookies.

When does Yoshidot AB have the right to process your personal data?

Yoshidot AB has the right to process your personal data when you have given your consent to the processing or if Yoshidot AB has a legal obligation to process your personal data. When you give your consent, you will always receive clear and clear information about what you are consenting to.

Who has access to your personal data?

Your personal data is processed by Yoshidot AB. Personal data may be disclosed to personal data assistants hired by Yoshidot AB, for example companies that provide web-based mail systems for sending e-mails.

Yoshidot AB does not disclose personal data to other companies or organizations if Yoshidot AB does not have to do so due to law, regulation or authority decision or to protect Yoshidot AB’s or third party’s rights.

Transfer to third countries

Yoshidot AB does not transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA unless this is specifically stated in connection with your providing your personal data to us.

How long do we save your personal information?

The data is stored as long as you yourself do not refuse to continue receiving e.g. newsletters from us.

What rights do you have?

Register extract

You have the right, upon request, to receive information about which personal data Yoshidot AB processes about you. Your request must be signed in your own hand and contain information about your name and social security number. We need this to ensure that we release the data to the right person.

Right to rectification

If your data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can request to have it corrected.

Right to erase, restriction of processing, etc.

You have the right to request that Yoshidot AB delete your personal data, limit the processing of your personal data or transfer your personal data to another personal data controller and the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

Where should you turn?

Request for register extracts, information or correction of incorrect information etc. can be sent to:

Yoshidot AB
Listvägen 1
517 37 Bollebygd

If you have requested a register extract, the information will be sent to your civil registration address.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Inspectorate, which is the supervisory authority for the processing of personal data, if applicable.

This is how your personal data is protected

Yoshidot AB protects your privacy. Yoshidot AB takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures required in each individual case to protect your personal data from unauthorized access and use and otherwise to ensure that the processing takes place in accordance with current legislation.

Update of this privacy policy

Yoshidot AB can make changes to the content of this privacy policy. A new version becomes effective when it is made available on Yoshidot AB’s website.

Contact information

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data. Our contact details:

Mikael Jönsson, CEO

This privacy policy is valid from 2024-01-01